Learn all about the services we offer in and out of service for your little ones!


Teaching at an age appropriate level is an important value to us.  To that end we offer the following classes:

  • Nursery  Newborn to 24 months
  • Toddlers 2 to 3 years old
  • Pre-K – 4 years old through kindergarten
  • Kids – Grades 1 through 4
  • Tweens – Graded 5 through 6

Children should be checked into their classroom prior to the start of the 10 AM Worship Service.  The ushers can direct you to the correct classroom.  Sometimes parents want to keep siblings together and while we understand that, we do encourage them to place children in their age group as they will enjoy the teaching better and understand it better.  However, if we do combine ages, we ask that older siblings join their younger sibling just for a week or two and then transition back to their appropriate class.


Vacation Bible school is a community event for elementary students. Typically, it is held for one week in June.  More information will be published in the spring.


There are a number of free resources available to parents.  These are a few of the most trusted sites.


The mission of Family Life Today is “To effectively develop Godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time.” A great website with articles, radio shows, and other tools to help build your family up in Christ.


provides articles, resources and help in six different channels: parenting, relationships and marriage, life challenges, faith, entertainment and social issues.


A FREE monthly resource that gives parents ideas on how to create fun, spiritually forming times in their home – even in the midst of their busy lives. This digital magazine can be sent right to your inbox each month, making it easy for parents & grandparents to shape a vibrant faith in the of their children.


A Focus on the Family publication designed to help equip parents, youth leaders, ministers and teens with the essential tools that will enable them to understand, navigate and impact the culture in which they live. Includes reviews on current movies, music and tv shows.


This great on-line resource has tons of kid’s videos and Bible studies for the whole family.  Our church pays the subscription fee, so its content is free to those who attend Crossroads Community Church.  Just contact us and we will send you an invite.